19 September 2014

DBML A Free for Review Program

Just find out this event organised by the 'M/M Romance' Group on Goodreads....how could I not participate?!?

Hello to all our fabulous M/M Authors and Readers. 
Have you ever sat around staring at your computer growling at the random acronyms people toss all around Goodreads, having no clue what people were talking about? Well we're going to clear one of them up for you right now. That pesky R4R you might have seen bouncing around, well that’s “Read For Review”, and for our lovely name-crazy group we’re adding another one— DBML for “Don’t Buy My Love: A Free for Review Program”. So what is it you might ask… well, let us tell you!
Essentially it’s a contract between our amazing authors and, oh so fabulous, readers. It goes like this…
Twice a week, one of our authors who has decided to join in our program, will offer up one of their books for the masses. They’ll set a limit to the number of books we can offer and provide the ebook in various formats for our readers. Then the thread with their book will open up and any member of the group can sign up to receive their free copy and read the book, up to that maximum number we can give out. There’s just one other little requirement, you must post an honest and meaningful review of the book in exchange for receiving it. You’ll have a limited window of time (a maximum of three weeks from when the thread opens) within which to read the book and post your review. This is just to keep it fair for everyone involved. 
For the Readers: Curious about your side yet? Once the book is posted, it’s your turn. 
Reviewers receive an ebook of the author's offered book for free. The crux of the agreement is that you have now committed to write and post an honest review of the book on Goodreads and retail sites where possible.
More details are offered in the DBML What Is It? Thread, the Q&A, and the Rules for Reviewersthreads.
So what’s our purpose in posting all of this? Well, to generate your interest, of course! This was Shelby’s pet project, and she worked very closely with our Goodreads friend, Melanie to get this off the ground in 2013. Melanie was replaced by Barb in early 2014, and we’re so very happy to be able to continue to offer you this program which has proven to be very popular. 
Twice each week, approximately one week before the release of a book, we’ll post a “Coming Soon” announcement in this thread and over in the DBML What Is It? Thread. So be sure to choose notifications for this thread so that you’ll always know which new book we are listing. And, to help you out, we’ll post another notice once the book’s thread is open for reviewer signups. 
Enjoy your reading! 
Shelby and Barb 

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